Soundtracks de Star Wars

Star Wars Rebels Audio Cues en

Fecha: 2018
Formato: Digital (Streaming en
País: Estados Unidos
Tracks: 67
Duración: 124:52
Compositor: Kevin Kiner
Temporada 1 (Duración 24:43):
1. Storm the Ship (Temp. 1 Epi. 1-2 Spark of Rebellion) 1:12
2. Zeb Orrelios (Temp. 1 Epi. 3 Droids in Distress) 1:12
3. All for Fruit (Temp. 1 Epi. 4 Fighter Flight) 2:04
4. Enter the Inquisitor (Temp. 1 Epi. 5 Rise of the Old Masters) 1:53
5. The Well (Temp. 1 Epi. 6 Breaking Ranks) 1:35
6. Abandoned Base (Temp. 1 Epi. 7 Out of Darkness) 3:47
7. Glory of the Empire (Temp. 1 Epi. 8 Empire Day) 1:48
8. Imperial Inquisition (Temp. 1 Epi. 9 Gathering Forces) 2:11
9. Yoda's Guidance (Temp. 1 Epi. 10 Path of the Jedi) 1:12
10. Lando and the Rebels (Temp. 1 Epi. 11 Idiot's Array) 0:51
11. Hera and Ezra Talk (Temp. 1 Epi. 12 Vision of Hope) 1:11
12. Kanan at the Gate (Temp. 1 Epi. 13 Call to Action) 2:28
13. Team Steal a Walker (Temp. 1 Epi. 14 Rebel Resolve) 2:20
14. Alliance (Temp. 1 Epi. 15 Fire Across the Galaxy) 0:59
Temporada 2 (Duración 36:51):
1. Best Pilot in the Galaxy (Temp. 2 Epi. 1-2 The Siege of Lothal) 2:35
2. You're the Bait (Temp. 2 Epi. 3 The Lost Commanders) 3:12
3. A Jedi Leader (Temp. 2 Epi. 4 Relics of the Old Republic) 1:06
4. A New Inquisitor (Temp. 2 Epi. 5 Always Two There Are) 0:45
5. Hondo and Ezra Escape (Temp. 2 Epi. 6 Brothers of the Broken Horn) 2:13
6. Hera Soars (Temp. 2 Epi. 7 Wings of the Master) 2:33
7. Ketsu and Sabine's History (Temp. 2 Epi. 8 Blood Sisters) 1:23
8. New Found Respect (Temp. 2 Epi. 9 Stealth Strike) 1:07
9. Ahsoka Duels the Inquisitors (Temp. 2 Epi. 10 The Future of the Force) 2:26
10. Twin Moons (Temp. 2 Epi. 11 Legacy) 1:45
11. Ezra and Leia (Temp. 2 Epi. 12 A Princess on Lothal) 2:07
12. Kanan and Fenn Rau (Temp. 2 Epi. 13 The Protector of Concord Dawn) 1:07
13. Journey into the Star Cluster (Temp. 2 Epi. 14 Legends of the Lasat) 2:46
14. Purrgil in Hyperspace (Temp. 2 Epi. 15 The Call) 1:35
15. Cham (Temp. 2 Epi. 16 Homecoming) 1:26
16. Friendship Rock (Temp. 2 Epi. 17 The Honorable Ones) 1:07
17. Can't Protect Ezra Forever (Temp. 2 Epi. 18 Shroud of Darkness) 2:13
18. Chopper's Inside Info (Temp. 2 Epi. 19 The Forgotten Droid) 2:17
19. Call of Darkness (Temp. 2 Epi. 20 The Mystery of Chopper Base) 1:11
20. It's Over Now (Temp. 2 Epi. 21-22 Twilight of the Apprentice) 1:57
Temporada 3 (Duración 34:59):
1. Kanan's Revelation (Temp. 3 Epi. 1-2 Steps Into Shadow) 1:42
2. Thrawn's Arrival (Temp. 3 Epi. 1-2 Steps Into Shadow) 1:47
3. Combining the Holocrons (Temp. 3 Epi. 3 The Holocrons of Fate) 1:30
4. Wedge Can Fly Anything (Temp. 3 Epi. 4 The Antilles Extraction) 2:27
5. Thrawn's Web (Temp. 3 Epi. 5 Hera's Heroes) 2:25
6. Won the Clone War (Temp. 3 Epi. 6 The Last Battle) 1:45
7. Rau Abandons Sabine (Temp. 3 Epi. 7 Imperial Supercommandos) 0:45
8. Chopper and R3 Disarm the Mine (Temp. 3 Epi. 8 Iron Squadron) 1:27
9. Zeb and Ezra Work Together (Temp. 3 Epi. 9 The Wynkahthu Job) 1:50
10. Thrawn's True Face (Temp. 3 Epi. 10 An Inside Man) 2:43
11. Maul's Shrine to Satine (Temp. 3 Epi. 11 Visions and Voices) 0:36
12. Saw Gerrera (Temp. 3 Epi. 12-13 Ghosts of Geonosis) 0:52
13. Fighting the Infiltrator (Temp. 3 Epi. 14 Warhead) 1:37
14. Sabine's Catharsis (Temp. 3 Epi. 15 Trials of the Darksaber) 2:57
15. Duel For The Darksaber (Temp. 3 Epi. 16 Legacy of Mandalore) 1:35
16. Kallus Stays Behind (Temp. 3 Epi. 17 Through Imperial Eyes) 0:54
17. Mon Mothma's Speech (Temp. 3 Epi. 18 Secret Cargo) 1:37
18. AP-5's Spacewalk (Temp. 3 Epi. 19 Double Agent Droid) 1:11
19. It Ends Where It Began (Temp. 3 Epi. 20 Twin Suns) 3:14
20. Kanan and Ezra (Temp. 3 Epi. 21-22 Zero Hour) 2:05
Temporada 4 (Duración 27:57):
1. Passing The Sword (Temp. 4 Epi. 1-2 Heroes of Mandalore) 1:34
2. Saw's Friend Arrives (Temp. 4 Epi. 3-4 In the Name of the Rebellion) 2:04
3. Decent on to Lothal (Temp. 4 Epi. 5 The Occupation) 2:11
4. The White Loth Wolf (Temp. 4 Epi. 6 Flight of the Defender) 4:05
5. Kanan's Past (Temp. 4 Epi. 7 Kindred) 3:34
6. Brawling The Bruiser (Temp. 4 Epi. 8 Crawler Commandeers) 1:54
7. Kanan Revisited By The Wolves (Temp. 4 Epi. 9 Rebel Assault) 1:00
8. Kanan and the Fire (Temp. 4 Epi. 10 Jedi Night) 1:29
9. Nobody More Than Kanan (Temp. 4 Epi. 11 DUME) 2:08
10. Sabine Arrested (Temp. 4 Epi. 12 Wolves and a Door) 1:20
11. Kanan's End Credits (Temp. 4 Epi. 13 A World Between Worlds) 1:50
12. Hera's Arrival (Temp. 4 Epi. 14 A Fool's Hope) 2:13
13. Epilogue (Temp. 4 Epi. 15-16 Family Reunion - and Farewell) 2:35